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Fashion 8 years ago

baseball tee + #1 blogging advice


One of my favorite parts about blogging is getting to interact with you guys – I love when y’all message me on snapchat or send emails…either giving me feedback about the blog, asking for advice with your relationship with Christ, or questions about an outfit. I LOVE hearing from you guys, because it reminds me that there are actual HUMANS on the other side of this computer screen – reading my posts or responding to my snaps!



The question that I get asked the most regularly (or close to it) is about blogging – how did I get started, what are my tips for growing a blog, etc. I think there are alot of you who are interested in starting your own blog and want advice, but alot of people are just curious about this whole ‘blogging as a career’ thing, which is totally understandable!

To be completely honest – this is such a hard question to answer, because…what works for one person might not work for another. Growing a successful blog isn’t a simple 1-2-3 step process you follow and BOOM, you’ve created a career. At least it definitely hasn’t been that way for me! It’s been months and years now of ‘sink or swim’, trial and error, shutting down my site bc I have no idea what I’m doing, and tons of failures met with a lot of success as well. And to be honest, I still feel like a total newb and like I have no clue what I’m doing most of the time.



I might do a post down the road (if y’all would be interested) on just basic blogging tips – things like what platform I use, why I got started, etc. But today I want to share my #1 piece of blogging advice (as cliche as this might sound): stay true to who you are and the things you are passionate about.



Let me give an example of how this plays out with blogging. I am fully aware that my style – both in everyday life and the outfits I post on the blog/instagram is relatively ‘basic’ (for lack of a better word). For instance, today I’m sharing (the softest ever) baseball tee and a great pair of distressed denim. It’s an outfit I can (and do) wear in every day life and feel great in, yet still super comfortable!

Every now and then I’ll look at other blogs or instagram feeds and LOVE the super editorial / high fashion look. For a brief second I’ll think “man I wish my feed was more high fashion or editorial-looking…like it just came out of Vogue magazine.” But the truth is…that’s just not my style, and it’s just not me!


I LOVE to put together outfits for you guys that will make you feel and look your absolute best – but in an easy, affordable, and real-life way. That’s who I am and how my style is.

When it comes to blogging, I just want to encourage y’all to not change who you are or what your style is in an effort to ‘be successful’ or ‘convert well’ or fit into some mold you think a successful blogger fits into. If you want to start a blog and you’re super passionate about hiking…incorporate hiking tips/style/trails into your blog! If you are really passionate about finding amazing steals at thrift stores (first of all, more power to ya and teach me your ways), incorporate that into your blog! Stay true to who you are and what you are truly passionate about – and your blog will grow. Because like Emma Stone said in La La Land “people love what other people are passionate about“.


Outfit details: Baseball tee (also comes in pink!) | Distressed skinny jeans | Sneakers (also come in mint!) | Aviator sunglasses | Suede saddle bag | Striped earrings | Leather watch

Hope you all had the best weekend, and woke up today feeling ready to give this new week your all! If not…pour yourself a second cup of coffee!

xo Lauren

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