If you’ve been following me for a while (or if you know me IRL lol) you probably know I am 100% a morning person. I think I have been my entire life. A question I’ve gotten a surprising amount recently is do I have any tips for how to become a morning person? TBH, nothing came to mind right away because like I said…I don’t really know any different! Also, I have major sleeping problems where I fall asleep right away but I always wake up around 3am and never go back to sleep haha. So, I’m not necessarily a morning person by choice.
However, I really do love early mornings and am a firm believer that it’s essential for a productive day and healthy routine. So, today I will share a few simple tips on how to become a morning person!
Tip #1: Sleep with your phone on the other side of the room.
If you have a tendency to roll over and snooze your alarm a couple times (or 10 times if you are my husband)…try sleeping with your phone on the other side of the room. That way, when your alarm goes off, you have to actually get out of bed to turn it off. (Don’t bring it back to bed with you!). Or, if you have a tendency to wake up when the alarm goes off, and proceed to lay in bed for half an hour scrolling through instagram and checking e-mails…putting your phone on the other side of the room will take that option away. I was just talking to my little brother about this (who has utilized this tip in his own life) and he said when he started doing this…he noticed he would consistently get to work at least 15 minutes earlier, and still had time to run in the mornings and do whatever he needed to do. We waste so much time on our phones just pointlessly scrolling in the morning. Put it on the other side of your room! It will be hard at first, but worth it. You will start your day off so much more productively.
Tip #2: Create something you are looking forward to
Becoming a morning person can be tough if the only reason you are waking up is to go to a job you don’t like, or start checking things off a list you don’t necessarily care to do. Give yourself something to look forward to so you feel motivated to get out of bed! It can be something simple, like a really good cup of coffee. I am obsessed with our nespresso machine and honestly look forward to making a yummy cup of coffee or an almond milk latte every morning. I also wake up before Michael does and I look forward to just enjoying time to myself for about an hour – to spend time in the Word, journal, drink my coffee in a quiet house. I love mornings for this reason, and look forward to it.
Maybe book a workout class you think is fun or schedule a walk with a friend in the morning. Find something you actually get excited to wake up for and schedule it first thing in the morning!
Tip #3: Make sure you’re getting enough sleep
This seems like a pretty ‘duh’ statement, but if you’re trying to wake up at 5:30am so you can workout before work…but you’re not getting in bed until midnight…it’s probably not going to happen. And even if it does happen, you will probably feel miserable and this new habit won’t stick around.
I think every body is different. Some humans (like my sister Jill lol) need a full 9hrs of sleep every night in order to be functioning and productive and rested. Personally if I can get a full 6hrs, I’m good! Figure out what your magic number is where you actually feel rested…and give yourself that time every night. If you’re number is 8hrs a night and you want to start waking up at 5:30am everyday…make sure you are in bed by 9:30pm! Michael complains all the time that he’s just ‘not a morning person’ and he can’t wake up in the mornings…but he consistently goes to bed at 11pm or later sooo….I wonder why haha. (Love you babe).
Tip #4: Create a morning routine
Chances are, you might not get out of bed when your alarm goes off if you don’t have a routine in place. But, if you know when your alarm goes off exactly what your morning routine is, you’re more likely to get out of bed and get with it. Morning routines (IMO) are key to a productive day and being in a healthy headspace! Your morning routine can be as simple or complicated as you want. For example: wake up, make my bed, get my coffee, spend 15 minutes in the Word, hop in the shower, get ready for work, etc. Or, wake up, turn on worship music, make my pre-work out (see this post for what I take before a workout) and get ready for the gym, drive to the gym.
Again, create a routine that you will look forward to and actually stick with! Know what your routine is the night before so you don’t waste time on that in the morning.
(Personally, my morning routine is wake up, coffee, time with the Lord, answer any urgent e-mails, head to the gym).
Outfit Details: Striped Tee (Similar Here) | Distressed skinny jeans | Sole Society Crossbody | Studded Sandals | Tassel Earrings | Sunnies
Any other early birds out there?! If you have any tips for how to be a morning person, share in the comments below! These are just a few things that I know make early mornings more enjoyable for me!
Thanks for reading!
xo Lauren