I’ve recently changed up my makeup routine a little bit, since we’ve been at the pool & going for walks more and my skin has gotten some sun! Summertime makeup is my FAVORITE because I’m all about getting a pretty bronzy glow! I also think it’s the time of year where you can wear the least amount of makeup and rock that natural sunkissed glow! Today I’m going to share with you guys some new products I’ve tried out and LOVED, as well as a few other tried and true faves I’m keeping in my routine!
You can click on any product in the collage below to shop!
A lot of you guys have DM’d me recently asking for a makeup tutorial or commenting on how my skin is ‘glowing’ and I think I have these products to thank for that! Y’all have to let me know if you try any of these out and if you are as obsessed as I am!
Thanks for reading! Happy Friday friends!
follow along @laurenkaysims
xo Lauren